If you have been wanting to start up a new business you can apply this giveaway to your new business logo design!
Please read below for rules and entry requirements:
You must comment on this post to enter and include any of the extras below to gain extra entries!
Friend Posh Palm on facebook for 1 extra entry here:

Friend posh palm on twitter for 1 extra entry: http://twitter.com/#!/poshpalm
Blog about this giveaway on your blog for 5 extra entries.
Become a new follower of Painted Preppy for 7 extra entries!
The winner will be announced on April 18th so you have a lot of time to spread the word!!
Good luck and happy designing!
Ok, lets see if I can remember all of the chances.
I am a follower on FB
I am a follower on twitter
i am following Painted Preppy
I am going to blog about this also
I would love to win this!
Wow, what a great giveaway!!! I would love to win this.
Please enter me in your blog makeover giveaway! Thanks :)
simplegirlee (at) gmail (dot) com
I'd love a blog makeover, thanks for the opportunity to win it.
I desperately need a blog makeover!! As a busy Mom of 2, I am finding it difficult to get mine up and running while trying to design a cool layout! This would be soooo much easier and FABULOUS!
Hi! Found you via J.Bee Designs. Great giveaway here. I am also on FB at flipsidestories. :)
HI! Found you via J. Bee. Following you on Twitter, FB and blog. Feel free to share on my FB at http://www.facebook.com/FlipSideStories
I would love a blog makeover.
I friended Posh Palm on FB.
Wow, I am really glad I came across your site, it is SO great! I just so happen to be in need of a blog makeover as well, so please enter me. I am now following you on FB and following Painted Preppy, and plan on blogging about you on my site- www.thenomadchick.com
I'm new to blogging and need help! I'd love to win.
Friend Posh Palm on facebook (Mickey Coutts)
mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com
Follow posh palm on twitter (ahelicoptermom)
mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com
I became a new follower of Painted Preppy (Mickey Coutts) #1
mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com
I became a new follower of Painted Preppy (Mickey Coutts) #2
mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com
I became a new follower of Painted Preppy (Mickey Coutts) #3
mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com
I became a new follower of Painted Preppy (Mickey Coutts) #4
mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com
I became a new follower of Painted Preppy (Mickey Coutts) #5
mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com
I became a new follower of Painted Preppy (Mickey Coutts) #6
mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com
I became a new follower of Painted Preppy (Mickey Coutts) #7
mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com
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