
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Are you keeping up with the Kardashian's?

Don't we wish!  Beauty and brains!  These girls have got it all, and then some.  Today I'm sure most of you read Kourtney is expecting her second child, and if this one's a girl...look out baby fashion world, you might be turned on your ear.  Baby Mason is adorable, and Kourtney's sense of style comes through loud and clear when you see him all decked out for the beach, or a holiday celebration.  His Easter suit was no disappointment, he was a perfect little gentleman in his blue and white pinstriped jacket and matching pants. 
His Mom only feeds him organic, and makes all the baby food that he eats!  She also eats organic, and, she's a runner!  That's where the beautiful body comes from.  For those of us that don't have the option to buy organic, or don't have the time or space to plant a full garden of our own; you might try a container garden for fresh tomatoes, peppers and onions, just to name a few.  Green beans could easily grow in  a container if planted correctly.  Not only is this really healthy for you, but it's so rewarding when you can see the fruits of your labor. 
A couple of tomato containers may be enough for eating fresh and having enough left to can or freeze for use in the winter months. This is a great wallet saver too! 
As far as running, if you're not a runner, but wish you could stay in shape, check out some of the treadmills on Home Shopping's site.  They have a few that are affordable, and can easily help you gain that body your wishing for!  It would make a great Christmas gift that you'll use all year long.
Happy shopping!

 Photos courtsey of:

Monday, November 28, 2011

Holiday Giveaway Peppermint Bark & Holiday Printables!

Get in the Holiday spirit with our latest giveaway!

Chocolate in the Oven Bakery is giving away an entire box of their delicious Peppermint Bark, perfect for a party or sharing with your family. We are also offering free Holiday printables, that include a free holiday card, food tags, gift tags, drink flags, and table banners. Just click the link below to download:

Enter to win Peppermint Bark:
Becoming a follower of Painted preppy 1 entry
Follow us on facebook   5 entries
Blog about the giveaway: 5 entries
Post to facebook about the giveaway: 2 entries
Tweet about the giveaway: 1 entry

Monday, November 21, 2011

Italian Fashion Designers Graziano Moro and Renato Pigatti

I was searching for sweaters and came across this site.  It's an Italian Designer, and some of the sweaters on this site are really great!  Scroll through and you'll also find coats and other clothing items that would be a great gift or just for yourself!  The sweaters look really comfy, and would be a nice piece to add to your wardrobe for the season.   Take a look!
Also...found these outdoor chairs...they are really fantastic!  They're a little on the pricey side, but even a couple of them on a porch, or on the patio would be worth having.   They look like they would be comfortable to lounge around in, and a really cool splash of color, no matter which one you choose.   Hope you enjoy these sites.  Cheers!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Marinated chicken & sweet cranberry bread recipes!

Tonight, I decided to make a couple of old favorites, and I'll share them with you, and hopefully you'll share them with your fam.  I made a great marinated chicken recipe that is really wonderful and so easy!!!  We love easy and delicious!  Served it up with a side of spaghetti, tossed in Italian dressing, and sprinkled with fresh parmesan cheese, and Italian style green beans.  Then, I made cranberry orange bread for the finish!  So, here's the recipes:
Marinated chicken
1 cup of Italian dressing (kraft)
2 teaspoons of lime juice
2 teaspoons of honey
2 packages of chicken tenders
Mix the dressing, lime juice and honey, and put the chicken tenders in a large plastic storage bag, (one that will seal well) pour the dressing mixture over the chicken and marinate it in the fridge overnight.  Next day, or evening, pour the chicken and all the marinade in a large skillet and cook it on med high heat for at least 30 minutes, then turn heat down to med low, to low, and cook another 30 minutes.  If your stove gets really hot, you'll have to adjust the temps.  Just make sure you cook the chicken and marinade for an hour, and the chicken is tender enough to cut with a fork. 
Cranberry orange bread:
2 cups of flour
1 cup of sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon soda
Sift above ingredients together
1 beaten egg
1 teaspoon of grated orange peel
3/4 cup of orange juice
3 Tablespoons of oil
Combine above and add to dry ingredients and stir only til moistened
1 1/2 cups of chopped fresh or frozen cranberries
1 1/2 cup of chopped nuts (pecans)
fold into batter
Bake in a greased loaf pan on 350 for one hour. 
(I doubled this and baked it in an 8 X 11 dish for about 45 minutes to an hour, or until a toothpick comes out clean in the center.
You can serve this buttered, or with honey butter, or..I prefer to ice this with cream cheese icing, or drizzle with a powdered sugar glaze.  Whatever your favorite it's a great bread! 
TIP, after I take this out of the oven, I cover it with foil, and leave it sitting until cool.  It really helps to keep the bread moist and flavorful.  I hope you enjoy both these recipes!
Tomorrow I'll be giving some information about a great site from a wonderful Italian designer.  They have great coats, sweaters, etc.  So please tune in then, and hope you enjoy the recipes, cheers!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Best Cranberry Salad Recipe Just in Time For Thanksgiving!

So, tonight I sat down and went through recipes with my Mother who is 87 years old.  I was the second family kid, you know, the one that comes along after she's practically raised the others!  Well, anyway, she's a young 87, in looks and actions!  We filled a three ring binder, and then she said, "wonder how long it will take to go through the hat box full I still have in the other room"  I decided it was for another night!  But, we had a great time organizing and categorizing all these great recipes.  
Now, I gotta tell ya, I laughed and laughed because on some of the recipes, my brother had drawn pictures, and on one of them, my sister wrote how old her Parents were!  What's really funny is when Mom asked me why I wrote on her recipe!  I pointed out that it wasn't me, I wasn't here yet!  There, were peoples names, and phone numbers, and on a lot of them, she wrote where and why she served this or that recipe!  So, while I have my own cubby full of recipes, I decided that I would share a salad recipe that she and I both have in our collection.  I always like to give credit where credit us due, so, this one goes out to my Aunt Nita. She always looked like a movie star when I was a kid!  A pretty blonde, who always had every hair in place, and looked like she stepped off magazine cover...and still does to this day!  Anyway, she gave this recipe years ago, and when it's time for Turkey and all the fixins, this is one of the first things I write on the "meal list". It's a cranberry salad, and I swear, you could spread it on a chrome bumper, or steel pipe, and it would taste good!  So, girly's get out your favorite dish, glass, crystal or plastic...better if you can see through it because it's a pretty dish, and very appetizing!  
Aunt Nita's cranberry salad
1 small package of cherry jello
1 small package of orange jello
1 can of whole cranberry sauce (ocean spray)
1 can of jellied cranberry sauce (ocean spray)
1 16 ounce can of crushed pineapple (del monte)
1 cup of celery - chopped
1 cup of chopped pecans (optional)
Drain the pineapple juice in a large measuring cup, and then fill the cup with water to total 2 cups of liquid.  Pour juice and water into a sauce pan, and bring to a boil. Dissolve both packages of jello in boiling water, and add both cans of cranberries.  Continue to stir until the cranberries are dissolved in juice.  Add the pineapple, celery, and nuts if desired.  Stir well, and pour into dish and refrigerate over night.

A little tip:  If I'm making this for Thanksgiving, I usually make it on Tuesday night, cover it with plastic wrap, and leave it in the fridge til time to serve.  It's great with the big meal, and, I have yet to meet anyone who didn't love it on a left over turkey sandwich!  I've even made turkey, and swiss cheese, on the griddle with the cranberry salad and it was fabulous!  

Alright Ladies, I hope you love this as much as we do, please let me know...enjoy it!

Monday, November 14, 2011

New contributing writer!

Last week I sat down with screenwriter, Debra Latta, and after a very funny conversation, I am pleased to announce that she has agreed to be a contributing writer for Painted Preppy.  We want to bring something new and interesting on a daily basis, so stay tuned for the schedule.  We will try to feature party ideas, recipes, (she's a great cook, so you should really enjoy that feature) vintage items, pet info,  fashion and entertainment, just to name a few. 
As far as Debra, I think you are really going to find her posts fascinating, and you'll want to use her suggestions for your table, or a great tip in the kitchen, as well as which movies to watch, both old and new.  She has agreed to also include a few funny stories from her friends in the entertainment industry, and possibly give us some gossip about up and coming films. 
So, be sure to follow along with us, and tell your friends. Enjoy and happy reading!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cake Pops!

J. Bee Designs is now offering cake pops! Perfect for your next holiday party or gathering, check them out here:

Monday, November 7, 2011

The fantastic flying books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

I have been around the block when it comes to the design world, looking back I can't believe that it has been 10 years since I started out as a young interior designer in how time fly's. Since that time I have started businesses and worked on getting my MFA and the more I delved into the world of interactive design and 3D animation the more and more I felt like I finally knew what I wanted to be when I grow up. I have been deciding/working on what my final thesis project this semester, which is no easy feat, but I discovered something so delightful along the way I knew I had to share with my readers.

The Fantastic Flying Book's of Mr. Morris Lessmore is hand's down the best iPad app I have seen to date and by far the best interactive story book you will ever find. From creator James Joyce, hailed pixar alum and his company Moonbot Studio's, they have managed to create a meaningful story that not only keeps the user engaged in new inventive way's but also created a new character in Morris Lessmore and his book-legged friends, that is not only loveable but enchanting as well, I can't get enough!
